Interview with Sara Ibrahim – Founder of Sima Stylist London | EnvironMental Podcast

On this episode of EnvironMental we had an inspiring conversation with Sara Ibrahim around sustainable personal fashion.

Not only did she give us incredible advice about sustainable styling, how to buy new clothes, and the red flags to look for from designers.

The Path Towards Conscious Sustainable Style

Sara’s views on sustainable style stem from her own personal journey. Her philosophy is that sustainable style starts with what we already have. Rethinking your clothes or wearing them in different unique ways opens up a whole host of new opportunities to rewear your clothing time and time again without getting bored.

Fast fashion has taken over for far too long and their negative impacts on the planet and its people are truly horrendous. It’s time to redefine and reframe how we think about our clothes, our bodies, our size, and the value of every garment.

Reusing what we have and only buying new clothes when we absolutely need to is the most sustainable way to build a wardrobe. Shopping second hand stores or vintage boutiques are also a great options when you’re in need of something new!

This EnvironMental Podcast

Sara shared a ton of incredible knowledge with us about the mindfulness of your daily ‘fit, the POWER that comes from choosing your personal style, trusting the process, and loving your body shape!

We left this conversation feeling SO inspired that couldn’t even IMAGINE how incredible it would be to work together with @simastylistlondon.

Sara holds Lives on Instagram every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. GMT called “INSIDE YOUR WARDROBE” where she shares easy styling tips to stop with all the restrictions and negative thoughts about yourself and your wardrobe!

You can learn more about Sara and get inspired to look at your wardrobe in new ways on her Instagram @simastylistlondon or her website

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