Build the top 3 highest converting email automations.

Email Automation Maps

Email marketing is proven to be one of the highest converting and best channels for direct sales. 

Our automation maps help guide you to building email automations that convert.

These email automations generate sales for your store 24/7. 

The Automation Maps You Get in this Download

Welcome Series

Your welcome automation introduces your brand to your subscribers and gives them a chance to know who you are and what you value.

This series encourages your subscribers to make a first purchase if they haven’t already.

First Purchase Automation

When an audience member becomes a customer for the first time, they deserve to know who they are buying from and why. 

You should thank them for their purchase, and invite them deeper into your brand. This series is designed to increase trust, and encourage further purchases.

Abandoned Cart Automation

Very simply, this one helps to remind your shoppers of items left in their cart.

This is often the highest converting automation, and it’s worth spending some time on.