Six Month Holistic Content Marketing Mentorship for Sustainable Brands

Join us and Bloom Your Brand!

Sign Up For Your 6 Month Personalized Mentorship Today!

Learn a holistic content marketing method that earns trust and gains loyal customers for your brand for years to come!

The Bloom Your Brand Mentorship will take you step by step through our proven effective holistic content marketing method.


Your marketing is an extension of your business.

It communicates what you do so that your ideal audience can find you, trust you, and buy from you.

A holistic content marketing method uses your branding, your website, your content, and your brand’s data to create an environment that your audience resonates with.

Sound complicated?

It’s doesn’t have to be.

With the method you learn throughout the six month Bloom Your Brand Mentorship, you will create and operate a holistic digital marketing structure that is easy for you to maintain overtime.

Bloom Your Brand Course Syllabus

See everything we’ll cover!

Benefits of Learning Through Our Mentorship

Accountability Partners

We'll work directly together throughout the entire course. You'll have plenty of 1:1 time and we'll always ensure you're moving forward.

Personalized Support

This is a private mentorship so you have direct access to the Dandelion Branding team for any questions about your brand, marketing, or digital presense!

Agile Growth

It takes years to gather this knowledge on your own. In 6 months you'll have the skills to grow agilely, pivot gracefully, and make value-based choices for your brand.

How the Bloom Your Brand Mentorship Works

The material is broken into 5 parts:

  • Branding For the Right Audience
  • Website Optimizations
  • Brand Content and Strategy
  • Lead Generation
  • Data

Each part has 5-6 weekly lessons – we cover one lesson per week.

The whole mentorship takes about 6 months to complete with us, but you will have forever access all of your course materials!

Dandelion Certified means that you have our seal of approval that your approach to marketing is holistic and authentic for the people you serve.

You can wear your certification loud and proud because we’ve got your back.

Bloom Your Brand Mentorship Breakdown


We’re ready when you are!

Once you sign up we’ll get in touch, make sure we’re the right fit for your brand, and then create a plan to get started!

This is our favorite part, and it was our biggest challenge.

Where you are in your branding process will have an impact on your experience, sure. However, since this course is dedicated to help you learn our unique method, you will absolutely walk away with a lot more knowledge and organization then when you started.

  • If you haven’t started your brand, this mentorship will feel like you’re diving into the deep end. It may be a little overwhelming in the beginning but if you’re dedicated, this method is doable.
  • If you’ve already got a brand website and social media handles, you’ll find this to be a supportive environment where you can seriously level up your content creation skills and accountability infrastructures. 
  • If you know your audience, you feel comfortable with a page builder for your site, and you’re already a content and canva-queen, this course is going to be a chance to sharpen your competitive edge and learn how to separate yourself from the crowd.
Regardless of where you are in your branding experience, we’re going to have a lot of fun and seriously level up your brand!

Be prepared to dedicate 5-10 hours a week on building your online business with our method.  

The full mentorship will last 6 months, but you will have access to the material forever. 

The full cost of our Course is €1875. 

We’ll communicate with you about deposits and payments via email as our start date gets closer! 

Great Question!

This is the holistic content marketing method that we run in our own businesses and for all of our ongoing clients.

We started building it in 2015 and we’ve been focused on dialing it in for this course since 2019.

It works.

Firstly, we are dedicated to your privacy. We would never give anyone your email address. That’s shady behavior, and definitely not on-brand for us.

We also don’t send spam. That’s not a good use of your inbox or our time.

Sign Up and Let's Get Started!