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We're Dandelion Branding
and we are a sustainable brand marketing agency

We support the growth of your brand with effective content marketing, conversion optimization, lead generation, and consistent data reporting.


Dandelion Branding Duo - Courtney & Aub Co-founders

What you'll get


We’re industry professionals with 5+ years of experience.

You have first hand access to hit reply and ask us anything!


We put out consistent content specifically for the busy entrepreneur. 

Get that spicy info directly in your inbox. You won’t regret it!


Our emails offer you new perspectives on sustainable marketing.

A lot of this information is unique to our email list.


Announcements come via email, always.

You’re first in line when we have a discount, a new offer, or cool new tips.

Our Emails are Dedicated to Your Brand's Success

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Most frequent questions and answers

We’re Dandelion Branding!

There are two of us: Courtney and Aubrey. We took the leap from corporate marketing to working with small businesses.

Now we’re helping socially conscious entrepreneurs figure out how the best ways to make their impact on their world using organic marketing.

That means we’re entrepreneurs too!

Our focus is on organic marketing strategy that improves both traffic and conversion to your website.


Here’s us:

DB Duo- Hard at work

Firstly, we are dedicated to your privacy. We would never give anyone your email address. That’s shady behavior.

We also don’t send spam. That’s not a good use of your inbox or our time.

What you will receive is a short welcome and twice weekly emails with tips for how to build a business with great branding.

We’ll send you fresh articles on different aspects of branding like best marketing practices and interesting ways to build content plus updates on anything new we have to offer!