Marketing for Sustainability

Who Dandelion Branding Serves

Dandelion Branding is an advocate for social and environmental sustainability first and a marketing agency second.

We use marketing as a tool to help the sustainability movement. That’s why we amplify the voices of businesses that have a positive impact on the planet while using sustainable marketing techniques. Marketing is a powerful skill and being on the front lines of the sustainability conversation makes us better at what we do.

We don’t work with businesses that greenwash nor do we create content that we don’t fully stand behind. Because we put people and the planet before profit, we only work with businesses that care as much as we do about creating a sustainable future.

NGOs & Nonprofits

We say that Dandelion Branding is a sustainable marketing agency for nonprofits. We especially love working with NGOs because they have the same amount of passion that we do when it comes to their causes.

Nonprofits put so much time and effort into preparing charitable events and doing the work necessary to improve the physical world that they often don’t have the time for creating consistency in the digital world. This limits growth and often leads to inefficient communication throughout the organization’s community.

That’s where our marketing for sustainability comes in – we become a nonprofit’s digital arm. For less than hiring a new employee, the nonprofit’s impact is shared with their online communities. Their website is optimized for sales and donors, and their fundraisers are running automatically and efficiently.

Growth and Maintenance Marketing article with a little plant growing from a bigger tree
Brand Values

Social and Environmental Impact Businesses

Most of the time, businesses that are dedicated to sustainability are already doing what they can to limit their carbon footprint. In fact, the CEO of the Innovo Network told us that 87% of a business’s carbon emissions comes from their scope 3 suppliers!

But, we know that sustainable suppliers and service providers are out there… they’re just hard to find. This is why we work with social and environmental impact businesses. Not only are these companies competing with some of the biggest names in the game, they tend to be experts in a very niche part of their sector. That means they need to have expert help proving that they are the right fit for their potential customers.

Whether you’re building a sustainable supply chain alternative or designing an entirely new product geared towards making a difference in the world – we can help you get found.

Conscious Brands

A conscious brand is held to a much higher standard than a typical product brand because your products need to be just as good (or better) as your greenwashing competitors and you have to prove that you are upholding your values at every turn. Because ecommerce is always evolving, you’ve got to be creative with content while still communicating what matters and selling products.

Our work with sustainability-focused products brands is extensive! We got our start working in ecommerce almost a decade ago and actually, we owe a lot of our success to the high-speed, competitive nature of the industry. We know how to keep up with competition, set realistic turn around times, and build high volume retention strategies because of our experience with ecommerce.

team work on a tree represents Dandelion Branding and the 4 Types of Workers You Need for Success

Are you working with a marketing team that puts your dedication first?