Klaeny - 2 Refillable Cleaning Products in their Starter Pack

Living Brand


Why We’re Elevating Klaeny

Klaeny’s bottles are sustainably developed for your household. Buy your set once and then only need to repurchase the refill tablets. They also like to bundle their packages so that they can send out less and use less fossil fuel.

Klaeny uses as little plastic as possible with their packaging and shipping materials. They are truly inspiring in their innovation!
"The average household uses an average of 50 single-use plastic bottles and many unnecessary chemicals for cleaning agents alone each year. We completely change the way people clean their homes. We make sure that all of our products are developed and manufactured as efficiently as possible. All products are made without microplastics, are easily biodegradable and vegan."

What Are the Benefits of Refillable Cleaning Products?

Refillable cleaning products offer a range of benefits, making them a great choice for those who want to clean their homes in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way.

Using refillable bottles reduces waste, as you can reuse the same bottle multiple times, rather than throwing it away after each use. This lessens the amount of plastics and other materials that end up in landfills or the ocean. Any step towards using less single-use plastic is a good one in our book!

Buying refillable cleaning products can be a more cost-effective option in the long run too! Concentrated cleaning solutions and tablets take up less space and are much more cost effective to ship.

Refillable cleaning products are often more convenient, as you don’t have to constantly buy new bottles of cleaning solution. You can simply refill the same bottle, which can save time and effort.

Refillable products allow you to customize your solution too. You can choose the type of cleaner you want to use and the strength of the solution, so you can tailor it to your specific cleaning needs. Simply add more or less water to change the strength of the product! Many refillable products are also designed to be versatile, meaning you can use the same solution for several different tasks, reducing the need for multiple products.

The Klaeny Brand Story

Klaeny works to save plastic wherever they can – that’s why they developed a revolutionary pasture grass carton that saves up to 96% water in production. Many of their products come in glass bottles at first, and then only require refill tablets to continue to use their high quality cleaning products. With Klaeny you no longer need to use a single-use plastic bottle for cleaning.

Klaeny’s mission is to keep your household clean without polluting our environment!