Lizzie Horvitz, Founder of Finch | EnvironMental Podcast

In this episode, we welcom Lizzie Horvitz, sustainable entrepreneur, onto the podcast to talk about her business, Finch!

Finch is a new browser extension that offers sustainable product insights for household items you find on Amazon.

Finch is a serious game changer in the sustainable consumer space -it makes it easy (!) to find the most sustainable products on the market!

Why Make Sustainable Shopping Easier?

For those of us that are already dedicated to living a sustainable lifestyle and only shopping from vetted brands, the difficulty of finding the right products sometimes feels like a right of passage.

But we need to set that ego down. If we’re to change the world and shepherd sustainable consumption into the forefront of our shopping behavior, we need to make sustainable shopping easy.

about Finch’s Sustainable Product Insights

Imagine that you’re browsing around on Amazon, looking for something like, baby wipes. You choose a product that SAYS it’s sustainable – but heck, how can you really know? FINCH!

You just open up your sustainable browser extension, and you can see both the rating for your chosen product’s sustainability AND the product insights for a few sustainable alternatives.

You can download the browser extension for free on the Choose Finch Website.

Lizzie invites you to reach out to her with any questions – but do it quick. Because they’re still small enough that she personally answers questions right now, but we have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t be long before Finch is a sustainable-household name!

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