Brand Building Articles from Dandelion

A sustainability-focused audience doesn’t impulse buy. Which means that typical scarcity-based marketing practices don’t work well for your consumers. That’s why brand building is vital for you business to thrive!

And no, we aren’t just talking about having a nice logo and a set of colors and fonts. You’ve got to build trust – and with an audience like yours, that means on-point messaging, fantastic user experience, the right KPIs, and consistent communication.

Whether your brand building venture is just getting started, or your company is 25 years old and you’re looking for a quick refresh, there is an article here for you.

What is Branding in Marketing? A photo of aub on a light blue back with faded flowers background looking at a cloud with the words What is Branding in 2021 and a dandelion branding logo at the bottom

What is Branding in 2021?

What is Branding in Marketing in 2021? We define it as, “sharing the purposeful cohesion between the vision, voice, and values of a business to their customers.”

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What is a Living Brand?

A “Living Brand” is a brand whose values radiate throughout every aspect of its business. It is alive, dynamic, connected, and passionate

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