Lead Generation Glossary of Terms and Their Uses in Your Funnel

With the launch of Session 4 of our Bloom Your Brand Course: Growing Your Brand Loyalty With Lead Generation, I decided to put together a short little lead generation glossary of terms for you.

This will help you understand some of the terminology you’ll see in the lead generation sector of the internet and it’ll give you a few tips and pointers along the way.

If you’re like me, and you would rather have a copy of this glossary for reference in your own files, sign up and we’ll send it to you via email
(plus you’ll get access to the first module of our course session!)

Your Lead Generation Glossary with Examples and Notes

Brand Ecosystem – The entire community that contributes to your brand.

  • This includes you, your employees, investors, customers, partnerships, suppliers, influencers, affiliates, leads, visitors, and (arguably) their communities

Brand Recognition – How familiar your brand name is to your audience

  • A lead generation campaign that offers value to your leads drastically increases your brand recognition with the leads that optin.

Brand Tribe – The community of customers that surround your product, service, and company (Marty Neumeier)

  • Differentiate this from the ecosystem, this includes your CUSTOMERS – they are your tribe, and the people you have to keep happy to make money.

Buzz – The excited gossip around your brand and your concept.

  • Great to use for a prelaunch In lead gen, this can be an important driver for your success.

Call to Action – The specified action you ask your visitor/lead to take.

  • You ALWAYS need 1-2 calls to action on your pages!

Competitive Advantage – A point of differentiation that creates a barrier for your competition

  • You will use your competitive advantage during your lead generation campaign to ensure that your visitors will sign up for your freebie

Concept Map – A diagram showing connections between related ideas

  • We call this “outlining your funnel” and we teach you how to do it and created one for you in the course session.

Conversion Rate – The percentage of visitors that end up successfully completing the action that you’ve asked them to do.

  • A typical conversion rate for optins on one of our pages is around 25-30%.

Customer Journey – The process a customer goes through on the way to making a purchase.

  • In lead generation, this process is mapped out completely (in your concept map) so that you create the customer journey

Elevator Pitch – an expression of your brand’s value proposition that is brief enough for an elevator ride.

  • In this case, the hero area of your landing page

Emails – When it comes to lead generation, emails are usually referring to the automated email flow that are triggered by your visitors optin to get your freebie.

Evergreen – Something that can be used over and over again. It’s “set it and forget it” and will help you to bring in consistent revenue without more work on your part.

  • In your funnel process, you will create a system that will allow people to sign up to your email list that will lead to their first purchase without continued work on your part.

Freebie – A free offer you create to give away in exchange for a visitor’s email address.

  • This is commonly an e-book, a quiz, free samples, a mini-course, coupon code, etc.

Funnel – The trackable segments of a lead generation process that allows you to gather, qualify, and close a lead.

  • Funnel is a buzzword right now, but this is what you drive people through from awareness of your brand into a purchaser of your product or service.

Hot Button – emotional triggers that cause people to make choices.

  • We also refer to this as your “pain point hit” and it’s really effective if you learn how to poke a problem and then sooth it.

Influencer – A person that has the power to sway the people that follow him/her to take specified action

  • Influencers can be very helpful for you to drive traffic to your landing page!

Lead – The visitor or subscriber that is moving through your sales funnel.

  • Your funnel will bring in leads.

Lead Generation – The process of capturing interest in a product or service to create a pipeline.

  • You’re grabbing people’s emails in the process we outline for you.

Living Brand – A brand that grows and sustains itself.

  • Adding a lead generation process to your brand is a great step towards creating a living (blooming) brand.

Monetization – How you structure your brand to make sure that you can use it to make money.

  • We suggest monetizing your lead generation campaign within your email automation. (We teach you how to in Session 4 of the Bloom Your Brand Course)

Mood Board – The layout of imagery and colors you use in your brand.

  • You need this to build an effective landing page that will be cohesive with your brand.

Onlyness – A value proposition that is based on a differentiated benefit.

  • If you’re the only brand doing something – ONLYNESS IS ON YOUR SIDE! For us, we’re the only digital marketing agency that created a start to finish course for early entrepreneurs to create a living brand.

Optin – Your freebie or the action of opting in to your email list to receive your freebie.

  • “The customer got my optin!” 
  • “The visitor chose to optin!”

Problem Statement – A description of a problem, the main benefit of solving it, and the cost of not solving it.

  • You’re not growing your email list. Growing your email list will help you grow and maintain customer loyalty. If you don’t grow your email list using lead generation, your customer lifetime value will suffer greatly.

Social Proof – psychological reaction of people following the actions of each other when they feel uncertain. (Robert Cialdini in “Influence”)

  • This is why reviews are so powerful to help people make choices. You will put reviews on your landing page

Touchpoint – any singular interaction that a person has with your brand

  • A landing page is a touchpoint, how they got to your landing page is another, the email you send, or the ad they see because they signed up – all touchpoints. It takes 7 on average for someone to make a purchase

Trigger – An event that stimulates another event

  • a sign up on your landing page triggers an email automation 

URL – The domain name your brand owns and where people can find you online – also a link

  • URLs should always be simple and easy to understand

User Experience – Related to user-centered design, but a larger concept of ensuring that the look and feel of your product or page is simple to understand, pleasant, and seamless

  • Any bit of confusion can stop a lead from continuing on through your funnel.

User-centered Design – Designing your website and landing pages to be easy and make sense to the user.

  • The designs we teach have simple layouts so that they don’t need to change most of the time, but we also teach you exactly how to check for that in this session of our course.

How will you use this Lead Generation Glossary? Let us know in the comments below.

Lead Generation Terms
Brand A-Z: Interactive Dictionary of Branding Terms

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