DB Service Spotlight: What is a Comprehensive Data Report?

Comprehensive Data Report is a Service of Dandelion Branding - two women on a blue background with words and graphs

It isn’t even a little bit secret that Courtney and I love to dig deep into a brand’s data to pull out the gems and answer questions like, “what kinds of posts do my customers want to see?” and “what shouldn’t I waste my time on?” ← that’s my personal favorite.

Having concrete data for your current and historical marketing output is helpful for knowing what works and doesn’t work for your brand’s digital marketing campaigns. Everything else is a guess. It might be an educated guess, but you would be surprised at how easy it is to miss important information about your brand when you’re not looking at the numbers.

We have a whole series dedicated to the Metrics that Matter when it comes to running a business, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that we offer a Comprehensive Data Report and Analysis as a service too.

What is a Comprehensive Data Report?

Internally, we like to call this service a “digital archaeology report.” It makes us laugh – but that’s really what this is!

We dig through your data going back an entire year (!) and uncover what you have going on digitally. If you have been collecting your data, we’ll start with that. If now, we’re totally comfortable starting with our own data collection from scratch.

We put all of your numbers and relevant data into spreadsheets, along with our notes on our findings. We know what we’re looking for and what we should expect to see when we’re working with a business’s online data. That helps us to extrapolate relevant information.

Because our goal is to create a holistic picture of what you have had going on, we comb over your data in Google Analytics, email marketing and social media platforms, and your online sales metrics.

From there, we work to get a complete big picture of the digital side of your business.

What We’re Looking For

Once we’ve collected all the data we can, we start looking at trends.

Is your email list growing over time?
Have you been gaining or losing followers on your social media channels?
Are your sales increasing month over month, or are they oscillating?
Are there certain pages where your traffic is landing?

We also look for acute jumps in things like traffic, sales, or followers and try to diagnose what could have caused that bump and whether it’s something worth repeating.

Then we go a step further.

Remember, our goal is to give you a holistic view of your brand so you know your best driver for growth.

Not only do we look at all of your platforms month over month individually, we interweave your data together and look at each month as a whole. This gives us a granular platform view and a big picture, holistic view of your brand’s inter-connected workings over time.

With this view, we’re able to tell you which platforms of your digital marketing are impacting your goals the most.

We figure out where your most effective sources of traffic are coming from and hypothesize why they are converting higher than your other traffic.

Then we identify any potential conversion issues and diagnose whether you’re in a place to improve conversion rate or if you are ready to focus on driving traffic to your website.

We also look at the goals you set for your brand and suss out specific successes and failures within your digital marketing initiatives over the past year to give you a clear picture for your next steps.

What You Get

Here’s the best part, you get everything we find. Literally everything.

Not only are we going to break down everything you need in our Comprehensive Data Report— is usually somewhere between 15 and 20 pages long—we’re going to give you all of the raw data too. We don’t want your numbers to be a mystery to you.

We do all the work, all the data inputting and number crunching – the analyzing and the necessary graph building to show important trends – and you get the answers you’re looking for.

If that sounds like what you’re looking for, click here to schedule a call with us

Comprehensive Data Reporting Next Steps

The story doesn’t end with your comprehensive data report.

We also offer ongoing data reporting and content strategy creation utilizing this data. At the very least, we highly recommend continuing with monthly reporting after this initial report.

Why do we suggest ongoing data reporting?

The answer to this is simple. You’ll be able to keep up with what is working and not working in real time.

Having a data initiative keeps you nimble. It lets you run tests and see the effectiveness of your marketing! That means you know when to push forward because it’s working, and to pivot when it isn’t.

Regular data collection allows you to think in systems! You’ll be able to properly prioritize the myriad of things you’re working on because you’ll know what is working the best right now.

Content strategy is a seamless next step

Having your historical data and knowing what is currently working for you doesn’t mean a whole lot if you’re not using that information to make choices about what comes next for your brand.

We build content and website strategies that are tailored to improve your data and meet  your goals with digital marketing.

In fact, proper strategy building is at the center of what we specialize in! The deep dive into your data gives us all the information we need to put together your strategy.

And it’s pretty darn seamless too. Once we build you a Comprehensive Data Report, we have all the information we need to build you an effective plan for the future!

You don’t have to worry anymore about how to know what the right choice is for your marketing. With more than a decade of combined experience in successful strategy building, we can tell you exactly what you need to smash your goals!

Send us an email to info@dandelionbranding.com (that goes to both of us) or schedule a call with us to talk about what your brand needs!

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